[logback-user] A new ReconfigureOnChangeFilter at each reload of the config file

dunand jeffnadeau at gmail.com
Wed Jul 20 21:06:01 CEST 2011

I started playing with Logback yesterday. I use scan="true" because I want an
easy way to modify logging without redeploying my webapp.  I noticed that
each time I modify logback.xml a new ReconfigureOnChangeFilter is created.
After 4 modifications and reloading of logback.xml the logback is reloaded 4
times because each new ReconfigureOnChangeFilter scan and reload the config
file. Also, the logging work correctly. My message are logged one time (not
5 times). My only concern is that a new ReconfigureOnChangeFilter is created
every time the config file is reloaded. What I'm I doing wrong ?

The output from debug="true". I made 4 modifications in the config file. 
1 modif : changed level of com.lq from DEBUG to WARN
2 modif : changed scan time from 7 to 8 seconds
3 modif : changed scan time from 8 to 9 seconds
4 modif : changed scan time from 9 to 10 seconds
http://old.nabble.com/file/p32099960/logback-debug-2.log logback-debug-2.log 

My logback.xml :
<configuration scan="true" scanPeriod="30 seconds" debug="true">
  <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
      <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} -

  <root level="debug">
    <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />

I use a ServletContextListener to initialize Logback because I want a way to
change the logging configuration without redeploying my webapp. If you have
a better way, I'm open to suggestion :
public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce) {
	LoggerContext lc = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
        try {
          JoranConfigurator configurator = new JoranConfigurator();
          // the context was probably already configured by default
configuration rules
          ServletContext servletContext = sce.getServletContext();
        } catch (JoranException je) {
          // StatusPrinter will handle this

View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/A-new-ReconfigureOnChangeFilter-at-each-reload-of-the-config-file-tp32099960p32099960.html
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