[logback-user] TimeBasedRollingPolicy - old logs present in current file

Ceki Gulcu ceki at qos.ch
Tue Mar 15 15:58:44 CET 2011

To be frank, I stopped reading after I saw that you were using v0.9.20. 
Try v0.9.28 and see if the problem remains.
On 15.03.2011 15:10, Pradnya Gawade wrote:
> Hi David,
> Thanks for the reply. I did not try with the latest version and will
> update once I do it. But as I mentioned it used work with the same
> logback version before my logging configuration was simpler.
> Thanks,
> Pradnya
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 3:41 AM, David Roussel
> <nabble at diroussel.xsmail.com>  wrote:
>> Does using the latest version fix it?
>> On 10 Mar 2011, at 20:45, Pradnya Gawade<pradnya.gawade7 at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am trying with this for a long time but could not figure out the problem.
>>> My web application has to log to a log file but we want different
>>> category tags to be assigned to the logs from specific packages,
>>> although all log will go to the same physical log file. I create one
>>> appender per category with the required tag included in the encoder
>>> pattern. I have crated a filter per appender so it will only take the
>>> logs for that category and reject all other logs.Then I map the parent
>>> package of my web application source code with all the appenders that
>>> I have created for each category. I know this sounds complicated
>>> please bear with me. The category mapping I get in the logging is fine
>>> and as expected but I am facing other unexpected issue of files
>>> rolling over. I am using daily rollover policy. File gets rolled over
>>> properly but the current log file contains a copy of logs from
>>> archived file with new logs appended to it. I don't understand why it
>>> happens.
>>> I use o.9.20 version of logback. File rollover used to work fine
>>> before I categorized the log and when all the logs simply used to go
>>> to the same file without any category tagging associated.
>>> Please suggest what could be going wrong if you can think of some
>>> thing. Thanks in advance.
>>> My logback.xml looks like:
>>> <!-- appender for category LPR -->
>>>     <appender name="LOGFILE-LPR"
>>> class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
>>>         <filter class="abc.log.LogFilterFacilityLPR"/>
>>>         <file>${log.dir}.log</file>
>>>         <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
>>>             <!-- daily rollover -->
>>>             <fileNamePattern>${log.dir}.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log</fileNamePattern>
>>>             <!-- keep 30 days' worth of history -->
>>>             <maxHistory>30</maxHistory>
>>>         </rollingPolicy>
>>>         <encoder>
>>>             <pattern>%date{MM/dd HH:mm:ss} [%mdc{WEBAPP}] LPR %-5level
>>> %logger{25}:%L - %msg %n %ex{full}</pattern>
>>>         </encoder>
>>>     </appender>
>>>     <!-- appender for category USER -->
>>>     <appender name="LOGFILE-USER"
>>> class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
>>>         <filter class="abc.log.LogFilterFacilityUSER"/>
>>>         <file>${log.dir}.log</file>
>>>         <rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
>>>             <!-- daily rollover -->
>>>             <fileNamePattern>${log.dir}.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log</fileNamePattern>
>>>             <!-- keep 30 days' worth of history -->
>>>             <maxHistory>30</maxHistory>
>>>         </rollingPolicy>
>>>         <encoder>
>>>             <pattern>%date{MM/dd HH:mm:ss} [%mdc{WEBAPP}] USER %-5level
>>> %logger{25}:%L - %msg %n %ex{full}</pattern>
>>>         </encoder>
>>>     </appender>
>>> .
>>> .
>>> .
>>> .
>>> <!-- logger for parent package -->
>>> <logger additivity="false" name="org.akaza.openclinica">
>>>         <level value="${logLevel}" />
>>>         <appender-ref ref="LOGFILE-OTHER"/>
>>>         <appender-ref ref="LOGFILE-LPR"/>
>>>         <appender-ref ref="LOGFILE-USER"/>
>>>         <appender-ref ref="LOGFILE-MAIL"/>
>>>         <appender-ref ref="LOGFILE-AUTH"/>
>>>         <appender-ref ref="LOGFILE-UUCP"/>
>>>         <appender-ref ref="LOGFILE-AUTHPRIV"/>
>>> </logger>
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