[logback-user] How to start my logback before anything in an application

David Roussel nabble at diroussel.xsmail.com
Sat Oct 22 23:14:01 CEST 2011

How are they launched?  I use spring and hibernate etc, but my main method is in a class with no imports from spring or logback. I do my own setup, the initialise logback (just by setting system properties in my case) the I call into spring. 

Can you do the same?


On 22 Oct 2011, at 19:08, BAKHTI Mohammed <onlymed at hotmail.com> wrote:

> That what i have done, but all the framworks like spring, axis2, hibernate are launched before so i lost their logs 
> From: nabble at diroussel.xsmail.com
> Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2011 13:55:47 +0100
> To: logback-user at qos.ch
> Subject: Re: [logback-user] How to start my logback before anything in an	application
> You have to expose a method from your api and get the application to all it before it does any logging. 
> David
> On 21 Oct 2011, at 22:03, BAKHTI Mohammed <onlymed at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello David, sorry about it, 
> My question is in general : as i do a code based configuration using Joran configurator : if i have some frameworks in my applications (a webapp or a jar ....) . those frameworks will init before my api, so they will send some logs to stdout or whatever. 
> My goal : is how can i be sure that my api (which use logback ) is always initialized firt before all the other. 
> is that possible ? 
> If i use a logback.xml i see that logback is always the firt launched. so how can i do the same 
> Thanks 
> CC: logback-user at qos.ch
> From: nabble at diroussel.xsmail.com
> Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 21:15:45 +0100
> To: logback-user at qos.ch
> Subject: Re: [logback-user] How to start my logback before anything in an	application
> And if it's a command line tool, just initialise log back manually before you create any loggers. 
> (Mohammed: please create a new email for a new thread. Don't just reply to an existing thread and change the subject, most email software treats it as the same thread.)
> David
> On 21 Oct 2011, at 17:57, Chris Pratt <thechrispratt at gmail.com> wrote:
> I assume you're talking about a Web Application.  If so, check out javax.servlet.ServletContextListener, it's your best bet.
>   (*Chris*)
> On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 7:47 AM, BAKHTI Mohammed <onlymed at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, 
> I have  actually an API which use logback and add some specific functions. this API initialize logback in code : joranConfigurator(myconfig.file) 
> I dont have any logback.xml in my classpath.
> My question is how can i start this API (and then logback) at application startup before all the other frameworks and APIs (spring, hibernate, axis...) 
> I mean the same way logback init itself with logback.xml at startup
> Thanks
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