[logback-user] Problem with Logging in Linux

Oliver Zemann oliver.zemann at gmail.com
Sat Aug 25 23:14:23 CEST 2012

I tried it with /root/logback.log and with only logback.log
After an updatedb && locate logback.log nothing was found, so i guess 
thats not the problem.

Am 24.08.2012 17:34, schrieb Adam Gordon:
> I think you need to use an absolute path to the log file.  I recall 
> other folks having issues before.  Try that and let us know.
> --adam
> http://gordonizer.com
> On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 5:15 AM, Oliver Zemann 
> <oliver.zemann at gmail.com <mailto:oliver.zemann at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Yes i did but the problem is that this application is a install4j
>     application which does not handle stdio/stderr/stdout - so this is
>     dropped. I do not see anything from the stdout :/
>     2012/8/24 ceki <ceki at qos.ch <mailto:ceki at qos.ch>>:
>     >
>     > Have you tried enabling logback's internal status messages?
>     >
>     > <configuration debug="true" scan=...>
>     >   ...
>     > </configuration>
>     >
>     >
>     > On 24.08.2012 12 <tel:24.08.2012%2012>:52, Oliver Zemann wrote:
>     >>
>     >> Hi, i have the absolut identical file for Windows which works as
>     >> expected (logging), but not for linux:
>     >>
>     >> http://rifers.org/paste/show/1801
>     >>
>     >> There is just no logging - i started everything as root. Even
>     when i
>     >> use the FileAppender with its file name property set to
>     "somelog.log"
>     >> or "/root/somelog.log" it just saves nothing and i have no idea
>     why.
>     >>
>     >> I used updatedb && locate to find a file called like this but there
>     >> was nothing. Also lsof with a grep find nothing opened. So it is
>     >> really not logging.
>     >>
>     >> Regards,
>     >> Oli
>     >>
>     >
>     >
>     > --
>     > Ceki
>     > http://tinyurl.com/proLogback
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