[logback-user] SMTPAppender for android

Tony Trinh tony19 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 14:53:00 CET 2012

See comments below.

On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 3:49 AM, Enrico Spinielli <
enrico.spinielli at googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am just trying out logback for Android and I was curious about the
> possibility to use SMTPAppender,
> but found out it is not included in the features set.
The SMTPAppender is currently not supported in Android because it requires
the javax.mail package, which Android does not support out of the box.
Since it's a non-trivial task to add this support, I simply removed this
particular appender.

> Is there any technical reason why this appender is not supported?
> Or is it just because of "logistics" (aka lack of available effort/time
> ;-)?
Indeed, it's lack of time. You can submit a feature request (via an
and/or implement and pull-request it.

> Thanks a lot for your feedback
> Bye
> --
> Enrico Spinielli
> "Do Androids dream of electric sheep?"— Philip K. Dick
> "Hear and forget; see and remember;do and understand."—Mitchel Resnick
> "He who refuses to do arithmetic is doomed to talk nonsense."—John McCarthy
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