[logback-user] Logback - adding appenders

Jan Moravec jan.moravec at simplylance.com
Tue May 15 12:40:37 CEST 2012


I am building a JVM agent that needs to programmatically register a logback
appender to intercept logging messages from a web-application(s) running on
the given JVM. By using the JVM agent I can avoid modifying the
web-application's code & configuration. To make this work, I need to use
byte-code instrumentation and in the class-loading phase modify some logback
class(es) and inject my code that instantiates my (interception) appender
and adds it to list of appenders associated with the root logger. What would
be the best logback API class and method to instrument?  


Ideally it should be a class and method that:

.         Is called once upon every logback (re)initialization

.         Has been present in older logback versions.

.         Is public, stable and is not likely to disappear in future logback


Thank you,


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