[logback-user] Curly Braces

Robert Kuhar robertkuhar at gmail.com
Mon Jul 29 21:18:01 CEST 2013

Yeah, something is not working correctly there.  The curly braces should
not appear in the log message at all, they are placeholders for the
toString substitutions of the arguments.  The other confusing thing to me
is the multiple DEBUG outputs.  Is there any chance that what you are
looking at is someone's wrapper around straight-up SLF4J?  It would be
helpful if you could show your source with at least the imports and maybe
your logback.xml configuration as well.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 12:10 PM, gaston sponer
<gaston.sponer at hotmail.com>wrote:

> Hi, i'm doing:
> logger.debug("{}", employee);
> And the log resutl is:
>  DEBUG [main] Company_Module - {}DEBUG Level - Personal: name=John,
> age=36, id=3124362]
> Is there any way to remove curly braces before DEBUG word from this log?
> I would like to have:
>  DEBUG [main] Company_Module - DEBUG Level - Personal: name=John, age=36,
> id=3124362]
> Thanks ¡
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