[logback-user] Logback not rolling

Steve Cohen scohen at javactivity.org
Wed Jun 5 21:40:21 CEST 2013

How does one debug windows permissions - just to even see what they are?
I tried cacls and I see all these terms like
FILE_READ_ATTRIUTES, FILE_WRITE_EA, etc. which as far as I can tell are 
not defined ANYWHERE I can find on the web.

Does anyone know what Windows 7 permission(s) would be necessary for a 
user to have in order for the rollover function of logback to work?  I 
assume that it is doing a rename (or move) operation.

On 06/05/2013 12:35 PM, Robert Kuhar wrote:
> Every time this has happened to me the root cause has been a permissions
> problem.  Do you have a means to tailing standard out/err to see if the
> tell tale "permissions" problem is showing up there?
> Also, if your app isn't running when the trigger is me, it is my
> understanding and observation that the logs won't roll.
> On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 10:18 AM, Steve Cohen <scohen at javactivity.org
> <mailto:scohen at javactivity.org>> wrote:
>     I have a logback configuration which specifies a daily rollover for
>     a java swing application that is connected to a legacy backend and
>     creates much log:
>              <appender name="LocalFile"
>     class="ch.qos.logback.core.__rolling.RollingFileAppender">
>                      <File>${logdir}/local.log</__File>
>                      <rollingPolicy
>     class="ch.qos.logback.core.__rolling.__TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
>                              <!-- daily rollover -->
>     <fileNamePattern>${logdir}/__local.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log</__fileNamePattern>
>                              <!-- keep 10 days' worth of history -->
>                              <maxHistory>10</maxHistory>
>                      </rollingPolicy>
>                      <encoder>
>                              <pattern>%d [%t] %-5p %c{2} - %m%n</pattern>
>                      </encoder>
>                      <filter
>     class="ch.qos.logback.classic.__filter.ThresholdFilter">
>                              <level>INFO</level>
>                      </filter>
>              </appender>
>     I am finding in production that sometimes the logfile doesn't roll.
>       I am not sure whether the application is running at the moment
>     when it's supposed to roll, if that matters.  Initially I suspected
>     Windows 7 permissions - a bloody nightmare - were responsible.  I
>     initially thought that it always rolled correctly on some machines,
>     but not on others.  But now I find a case on a single machine where
>     rollovers happened on some days but not on others.
>     We are using logback v.1,0.7 and slf4j version 1.6.5.  Yes, I know
>     there are more recent versions but it would be a major hassle
>     getting them deployed into our particular environment and I haven't
>     seen this behavior in months of testing.
>     Can anyone point me in a direction leading to the solving of this issue?
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