[logback-user] logback fails to roll log file - Shibboleth IDP 2.3.8 - Windows server 2008 - Jetty running as service via procrun
Karen Murphy
k.l.murphy at qub.ac.uk
Wed Mar 13 13:38:13 CET 2013
Hi Bob,
Thanks for your reply and suggestions.
Firstly I changed the FileNamePattern in the logback configuration to
roll the log every minute (just until I crack this):
I then stopped the service and used Commons Deameon procrun command:
prunsrv //TS/JettyService
this runs the service "as a console application", and I'm logged in as
"Administrator" account.
Interestingly, the first thing it does is roll over the log file, but
only once. After I make subsequent authentications (at least a minute
apart) the new log lines are appended to idp-process.log, ie. it doesn't
roll again after each minute.
So I'm trying to understand whey this would happen. The Initial startup
of the service as a console app (run as administrator) is able to roll
the file, but any subsequent IdP operation is not able or allowed to
roll it. Once the service is started as a console application (as
Administrator) isn't all subsequent IdP processes run with Administrator
permissions too ?
I have also been playing around with the jetty logs (including creation
of resources/jetty-logging.properties) , but have temporarily broken
logging :-o
Prior to breaking it the stderr and stdout files in JETTY_HOME/logs
weren't showing any errors/exceptions. I increased the logging level in
resource/log4j.properties to "log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, stdout", the
logging didn't increase. And now, I can't seem to get logging at all.
I'm working on fixing it now,
Thanks again for help and advice,
On 12/03/13 15:04, Robert Kuhar wrote:
> My rollover problems have always been permissions problems. We
> usually find them by stopping the process that isn't rolling over its
> logs, switching user, and starting the process by hand as the user the
> process is supposed to run as. Virtually every time, standard
> out/standard error will show some IOException permissions thing.
> Jetty is doing its own logging of standard out/standard error, no? Is
> there a clue in that logfile?
> Bob
> On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 2:24 AM, Karen Murphy <k.l.murphy at qub.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> My Shibboleth IDP version 2.3.8 is failing to roll over files daily.
>> Its running on Windows Server 2008, and the configuration is the default
>> Shibboleth one in logging.xml, except I have changed the slashes to be
>> double back slashes as per the logback documentation in Appenders.
>> I am running the IDP under Jetty 7.3, and have configured Jetty to run as a
>> service using procrun, as the 'local system account' which I believe has all
>> permissions necessary.
>> It works on another IDP I look after (version 2.3.6, with Tomcat) on Windows
>> Server 2003.
>> I have read the posts referring to JNDI and rotation failing, but I can't
>> see JNDI configured in my context file under Jetty, so guess this isn't
>> affecting it ?
>> I have looked through various logs in the Event Viewer but don't see
>> anything to indicate a logback error on file rotation.
>> My Shibboleth logging.xml contains:
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------snip--
>> <appender name="IDP_PROCESS"
>> class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
>> <File>C:\\opt\\shibboleth-idp\\logs\\idp-process.log</File>
>> <rollingPolicy
>> class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
>> <FileNamePattern>C:\\opt\\shibboleth-idp\\logs\\idp-process-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log</FileNamePattern>
>> </rollingPolicy>
>> <encoder
>> class="ch.qos.logback.classic.encoder.PatternLayoutEncoder">
>> <charset>UTF-8</charset>
>> <Pattern>%date{HH:mm:ss.SSS} - %level [%logger:%line] -
>> %msg%n</Pattern>
>> </encoder>
>> </appender>
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be causing roll over to fail ?
>> Any pointers would be much appreciated,
>> Kind Regards
>> Karen
>> --
>> *Karen Murphy*
>> Systems Analyst - Bibliographic Services
>> The Library at Queen's
>> Queen's University Belfast
>> Belfast BT7 1LP
>> Tel: 028 90976260
>> Email: k.l.murphy at qub.ac.uk
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*Karen Murphy*
Systems Analyst - Bibliographic Services
The Library at Queen's
Queen's University Belfast
Belfast BT7 1LP
Tel: 028 90976260
Email: k.l.murphy at qub.ac.uk
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