[logback-user] Can logging configuration files be separated when using ContextJNDISelector?

Donald McLean dmclean62 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 19:39:26 CET 2013

The standard way for Logback to work, configuration is from the
logback.xml file.

I had a similar problem in that I wanted to be able to feed Logback a
custom configuration that came from somewhere else. This is the code
that I wrote to do the configuration:

    val lc = LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory.asInstanceOf[LoggerContext]

    val configurator = new JoranConfigurator()
    // the context was probably already configured by default
configuration rules

    val stream = configurationAsStream(data)

The code is in Scala, but it translates pretty easily since it's
pretty much all just function calls. The important part is the call to
"configurationAsStream", where I create an input stream containing the
logback configuration that I want the app to use.


On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Ville Hägg <villeah at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need to clarify if I have understood logging separation correctly.
> I have almost the same scenario than described e.g. in this question:
> http://mailman.qos.ch/pipermail/logback-user/2010-March/001442.html. In my
> environment I have most of the application logic deployed to JBoss 7 as a
> JBoss module. Module have my shared libraries for common parts of the
> application as well as third party libraries (like Logback and Spring). My
> own custom shared implementations are using logging in a standard way by
> instantiating loggers as a static class variables.
> I am also having two war-applications which are using module described.
> Requirement is to have own logging context for each of the application.
> Which means applications should have their own log files, log levels and
> root loggers etc. I have tried to introduce JNDIBasedContextDiscriminator
> together with ShiftingAppender with no luck. My problem is that after my
> applications are initialized, it seems both of them is somehow sharing the
> same appenders. If I view status messages servlet, I can see that
> application B have initialized also RollingFileAppenders configured in
> application A's configuration file or other way round. RollingFileAppenders
> are wrapped inside SiftingAppender in both configuration files.
> Can anyone clarify to me can two applications using shared libraries have
> strictly separated configuration files which are introducing own loggers,
> appenders and logging levels? Or do I still have some kind of configuration
> problem with my setup?

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