[logback-user] logback.xml scan & reload issue when using context properties
Sagar Shah
Sagar.Shah at medhost.com
Tue Dec 2 22:10:19 CET 2014
Hello Logback-User support,
I am using common logback.xml file, which is loaded programmatically from different J2EE web applications and which writes to different log files using "SiftingAppender".
Everything works fine unless logback.xml file has been modified. Once it has been modified, it gets scanned & reloaded as per configuration of scanPeriod, post which it does not recognize the context properties and it still writes all the logs, but in a separate file (with suffix of application-name_IS_UNDEFINED) for al lthe applications.
Logback version : 1.0.13
Logback configuration
<appender name="LogFile" class="ch.qos.logback.classic.sift.SiftingAppender">
<appender name="${application-name}" class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender">
<rollingPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.TimeBasedRollingPolicy">
<!-- daily rollover -->
<timeBasedFileNamingAndTriggeringPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeAndTimeBasedFNATP">
<!--<triggeringPolicy class="ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy">
<Pattern>%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%thread] %-5level %logger - %msg%n</Pattern>
Logback Loading programmatically from the Context Listener class
LoggerContext context = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
JoranConfigurator jc = new JoranConfigurator();
context.putProperty("application-name", sce.getServletContext().getServletContextName());
String logFilePath = sce.getServletContext().getInitParameter(INIT_PARAM_NAME);
if (logFilePath==null){
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to load init parameter " + INIT_PARAM_NAME + " from web.xml file");
} catch (Exception e){
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to load logback.xml file successfully @ " + logFilePath, e);
Is this a known issue? Is there a fix for this already? Please advise.
Sagar Shah
Sagar Shah
[MEDHOST logo]
6550 Carothers Pkwy STE 100 Franklin, TN 37067
p. c. f.
Sagar.Shah at medhost.com<mailto:Sagar.Shah at medhost.com>
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