[logback-user] JMXConfigurator problem with IBM WebSphere

Dale.Chapman at medavie.bluecross.ca Dale.Chapman at medavie.bluecross.ca
Wed Feb 24 20:29:30 UTC 2016

Hi Folks.

I have looked through the archives looking for an answer on what to do to 
get the JMXConfigurator working with WebSphere. The last entry I was able 
to see was from Ceki on Jun 12, 2012.
Has anyone done any further research into this? If not, this is what I 
have found.

I have spent some time trying to understand the problem. What I have been 
able to figure out is how to configure WebSphere to show the Logback JMX 
MBean in an "unsupported" mode using the platform MBean server.
found here (
Essentially, you need to configure websphere with the following JVM 
-Djavax.management.builder.initial= -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote=true 

Once I did this, I was able to get jconsole to allow me to manage Logback 
within WebSphere.

I would prefer to be able to use jconsole in the supported JSR160RMI 
connector mode. This involves configuring websphere with the following JVM 

and then configuring jconsole with the information contained in the same 
article in the Option 2: Setting up JMX in JSR160RMI connector section.
When I configured WebSphere and jconsole in this fashion, I was able to 
connect to an MBean server, but it did not include the Logback bean.

With the help of a couple of coworkers, we were able to find the following 

which indicates that WebSphere expects that the MBean be registered as 
MBeanFactory mbfactory = AdminServiceFactory.getMBeanFactory();
mbfactory.activateMBean("SnoopMBean", snoop, "snoopMBeanId", 

The code I downloaded from git for Logback shows that the JMXConfigurator 
uses the following:
MBeanServer mbs = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
mbs.registerMBean(jmxConfigurator, objectName);

I was thinking that an appropriate solution to the WebSphere problem might 
be to add a JVM config flag such as org.qos.logback.websphere and if the 
flag is set to true, the begin() method of the JMXConfiguratorAction class 
could follow the expected IBM MBean registration instead of the standard.


Dale Chapman,
Architect - MAAX Support
dale.chapman at medavie.bluecross.ca-----------------------------------------------------------------------
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