[logback-user] java.lang.classcircularityerror java/util/logging/logrecord

Abhijit Kangale abhi981.kgl at gmail.com
Fri May 20 11:46:24 UTC 2016

Hi Team,

I have configured logback.xml for my spring boot application. My spring
boot version - 1.3.3.RELEASE, java version - 1.8 update 45, tomcat version
- 8.

I have put logback.xml file in my local tomcats /lib folder.

Whenever I am running my tomcat without debug configuration it works fine.

But whenever I am trying run tomcat server with debug configured in
catalina.bat file (with this option - set "JAVA_OPTS=-Xdebug
-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket...... ) it displays
java.lang.ClassCircularityError: java/util/logging/LogRecord and tomcat
window closes.

Detailed error trace :

java.lang.ClassCircularityError: java/util/logging/LogRecord


at org.slf4j.bridge.SLF4JBridgeHandler.publish(SLF4JBridgeHandler.java:289)

at java.util.logging.Logger.log(Logger.java:458)

at java.util.logging.Logger.doLog(Logger.java:480)

at java.util.logging.Logger.logp(Logger.java:596)

I have tried all the solutions given in thread -
But nothing is working.

Can I get some pointers to resolve this issue?

I have attached my logback.xml file.


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