[logback-user] logback-access in an embedded jetty server

Jan-Olav Eide janolaveide at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 19:43:27 CET 2017

Well, things worked much better with a logback-access.xml file rather than a programmatic construction of the same configuration. Strange, since the latter code works fine elsewhere. But I am happy now 

Sendt fra min Sinclair ZX Spectrum

Den 23. jan. 2017 kl. 18.20 skrev Jan-Olav Eide <janolaveide at gmail.com>:

Thanks for replying. Logback classic and core are available to both jetty and the webapp. Any theory why *not* deploying the war makes the request log behave as expected serving static files? My only explanation was some sort of race condition. Note that my appender is set up in code, not via a logback-access.xml. Would that make a difference ? 

Sendt fra min Sinclair ZX Spectrum

Den 23. jan. 2017 kl. 18.15 skrev Ceki Gülcü <ceki at qos.ch>:

Hi Jan-Olav,

Thank you for your message.

In principle, logback-access and logback-classic are initialized independently.  However, both are based on logback-core and require it to be available and the class path. Thus, if you wish to use logback-access and logback-classic than you need to make sure that logback-core.jar is accessible to  your web-app as well as jetty. Without knowing how jetty sets up its classpath, it is hard to be more specific.

However, I am 100% certain that your hypothesis about one configuration winning over the other is incorrect.  As mentioned above, logback-access and logback-classic are initialized independently. In no way do they reference each-other's configuration files.

I hope this helps.


Ps.  please let us know if you figure this out.

> On 1/23/2017 17:23, Jan-Olav Eide wrote:
> I have small main program that fires up a Jetty 9 server. This server is
> able to run/deploy any war file supplied to it as a command line argument.
> I construct a /logback-access/ appender programmatically, give that
> appender to an instance of /ch.qos.logback.access.jetty.RequestLogImpl/
> and wrap that instance in a
> /org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.RequestLogHandler/ that is finally
> supplied to the jetty server:
> |handlers.addHandler(webappHandler(contextPath(), warURL()));
> handlers.addHandler(requestLogHandler()); server.setHandler(handlers); |
> Now, the web-application also uses logback, and has those artifacts in
> its /WEB_INF/lib/ directory inside the war. It appears that the
> logback-access configuration in the main program and the logging
> performed by the webapp somewhat interfere with eachother. The symptom
> is that I see nothing in the request log, so I guess the logging
> configuration in the webapp "wins", and overrides the request log
> configuration in the main program. If I do not deploy a webapp, but
> instead just serve some static files, the request log works as expected,
> so I believe that my appender is constructed correctly.
> Is there any way the logging configuration from the webapp and the
> request log configuration from the server can co-exist ?
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