[logback-user] maxIndex issue

Joud Kassem joud.kassem79 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 13:57:13 CEST 2020

Hi all,

I have my rollingFileAppender configured as follows:

appender("myAppender", RollingFileAppender) {
        file = "${logDir}/myApp.log"
        encoder(PatternLayoutEncoder) {
            charset = Charset.forName('UTF-8')
            pattern = log_pattern
        rollingPolicy(FixedWindowRollingPolicy) {
            fileNamePattern = "${logDir}/myApp%i.log"
            minIndex = 1
            maxIndex = 24
        triggeringPolicy(SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy) {
            maxFileSize = FileSize.valueOf("200KB")

I had first the maxIndex = 20, i modified it to 24 and I'm testing. As I
see the number of logs are 21 and rotating while it should be 24! I tested
it a lot and still the same issue. Anybody has this issue before or knows
why this is happening?

Thanks in advance,
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