[logback-user] Logback DbAppender stops working when @RefreshScope annotation is used for config changes

Moser Baer moserbaer135 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 18 00:44:30 CEST 2021


I'm using logback's DBAppender to log the http request/response into the
DataBase (logging_event) table in my Springboot app.
Below given is the Java configuration class for DbAppender.

public class LogbackConfiguration {
public DBAppender dbAppender(DataSource ds){
DBAppender dbAppender = new DBAppender();
LoggerContext loggerContext = (LoggerContext)
LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory(); Logger logger =
loggerContext.getLogger("org.zalando.logbook"); loggerContext.start();
DataSourceConnectionSource connectionSource = new
DataSourceConnectionSource();   connectionSource.setDataSource(ds );
return dbAppender;

I have another configuration class that has configuration properties and
the values of those properties can be changed dynamically. I'm using
the @RefreshScope (
*org.springframework.cloud.context.config.annotation.RefreshScope*) annotation
to get the new values of the config properties on the fly.
The DBAppender works fine, except when I make any changes to any of the
configuration properties externally (changing the value of an existing
property or adding a new config property in Consul) while the app is
After I make any changes to any config property externally, the DbAppender
stops logging into the DB table. Console logger continues to work fine. No
error/exception message. I will have to restart the app everytime after I
change a config value to get the DbAppender working.

Could you please guide me on this issue?

Thank you!
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