[logback-user] Joran Conditional Configuration

Ceki Gülcü ceki at qos.ch
Tue Oct 19 19:22:24 CEST 2021

Hi Josh,

There were several Java compatibility issues with Janino. It looks like 
adding support for Java EL would be the safer path going forward.

We haven't gotten to implementing it yet.

Ceki Gülcü

Please contact sales at qos.ch for support related to SLF4J or logback 

On 19/10/2021 18:38, Josh Cooke wrote:
> Hi,
> Support for Joran Conditional Configuration was removed in 1.3.0-alpha5, 
> I believe with the intention to rebuild it.
> We’re now in a situation where major release versions of common open 
> source libraries (Jetty 10, for example) are importing recent versions 
> of the 1.3 alpha, forcing users to upgrade their dependency trees 
> accordingly.
> We use conditional configuration widely in our applications but we’re 
> unable to upgrade logback beyond alpha4 due to the lack of conditional 
> support.
> Is this support going to be re-implemented any time soon? How can we 
> work around the compatibility issues?
> We’re currently in the difficult position of not being able to update a 
> large number of dependencies because they all lead back to logback >alpha5.
> Any help would be much appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Josh
> SB Logo 

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