[logback-user] dynamically change logging thesholds

Norbert Kiesel nkiesel at MetricStream.com
Wed Feb 9 01:46:01 CET 2022


we often need to change log level thresholds to investigate a problem in a running system. Right now, we do that by using

<configuration  scan="true" scanPeriod="30 seconds">

and then editing the logback.xml file by hand (i.e. using a text editor or Sed or Perl).  I wonder if there is a better way to accomplish this.  I know that we can e.g. use

  <root level="${rootLevel}"/>

but what I do not yet understand is:

  1.  Can I modify the value if this variable via some Java API from within my application?
  2.  Do we still need the scan="true"​ attribute or will the "rootLevel" variable be evaluated every time the logger is used?
  3.  Is there a measurable performance impact by using variables in that manner?



Norbert Kiesel | Chief Architect
[https://assets.metricstream.com/lp/email-signature-mail-icon-grey.png] nkiesel at metricstream.com<mailto:nkiesel at metricstream.com>
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