[logback-user] Custom appender is being ignored

YihTsern sim_yihtsern at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 26 14:34:37 CEST 2022

 Did you read my reply[1]?  You shouldn't need to explicitly call `start()` nor `stop()` on your Appender implementation.
Likely something is wrong with your project setup - you can start investigating by trying to run my working project, and comparing it with yours to understand why yours didn't work.

[1] http://mailman.qos.ch/pipermail/logback-user/2022-July/005215.html

    On Tuesday, 26 July 2022 at 20:22:07 GMT+8, Zac Harvey <bitbythecron at gmail.com> wrote:  
 Thanks again! If you don't mind, one final follow-up question regarding stop():
Do I need to wire my CatAppender#stop() calls up to any lifecycle hooks/calls called by logback/SLF4J itself, or is the idea that the application can stop an appender programmatically if the application desires to stop using it (stop logging) at any point?
In my case, I can't think of a reason to expose the AppenderBase#stop() from the outside world (application) and allow the app to stop logging/appending. But should I override an AppenderBase method anyways, and call stop() from inside of it, and logback/SLF4J will call that overridden method at shutdown? Or is it safe in my case to just not call stop() at all, from anywhere inside the CatAppender?
Thanks again so much!

On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 5:37 AM Ceki Gülcü <ceki at qos.ch> wrote:

The start() method is akin to a constructor check.

The start method should check whether all required parameters have been
passed during configuration. If required parameters are missing, the
appender should refuse to start and warn the user.

The stop() method should release resources if any.

Ceki Gülcü

Sponsoring SLF4J/logback/reload4j at https://github.com/sponsors/qos-ch

On 7/25/2022 8:27 PM, Zac Harvey wrote:
> Thank you Ceki! I called start() in the CatAppender constructor and
> everything is now working. Are there recommended practices as to when
> (and from where) to call start() and stop()? Thanks again so much!
> Best,
> Zac
> On Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 2:14 PM Ceki Gülcü <ceki at qos.ch
> <mailto:ceki at qos.ch>> wrote:
>     Hello Zac,
>     AppenderBase will not invoke the append() method less the appender has
>     the started flag set to true.
>     -- 
>     Ceki Gülcü
>     Sponsoring SLF4J/logback/reload4j at
>     https://github.com/sponsors/qos-ch <https://github.com/sponsors/qos-ch>
>     On 7/25/2022 6:38 PM, Zac Harvey wrote:
>     > Java 11 and logback-classic-1.2.11 here. I'm trying to write my own
>     > custom appender and am following this Baeldung article
>     > <https://www.baeldung.com/custom-logback-appender
>     <https://www.baeldung.com/custom-logback-appender>> to test it out.
>     >
>     > My *src/main/java/myapp/logging/CatAppender* appender (on the runtime
>     > classpath):
>     >
>     > public class CatAppender extends AppenderBase<ILoggingEvent> {
>     >     @Override
>     >     protected void append(ILoggingEvent eventObject) {
>     >         System.out.println("meow");
>     >     }
>     > }
>     >
>     > My *src/main/resources/logback.xml*:
>     >
>     > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>     > <configuration debug="true">
>     >
>     >     <appender name="cat" class="myapp.logging.CatAppender"/>
>     >
>     >     <root level="info">
>     >         <appender-ref ref="cat" />
>     >     </root>
>     >
>     > </configuration>
>     >
>     > In my *build.gradle* I specify to use logback and Lombok:
>     >
>     > plugins {
>     >     id "io.freefair.lombok" version '6.4.0'
>     > }
>     >
>     > dependencies {
>     >     implementation (
>     >         'ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.2.11'
>     >         ,'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.16'
>     >     )
>     > }
>     >
>     > And then in my Java code I use Lombok to inject an SLF4J logger
>     like so:
>     >
>     > @Slf4j
>     > public class SomethingDoer {
>     >
>     >     public void doSomething() {
>     >         log.info <http://log.info> <http://log.info
>     <http://log.info>>("this should invoke the CatAppender...");
>     >     }
>     >
>     > }
>     >
>     > But when *SomethingDoer#doSomething()* runs, I don't see a meow
>     printed
>     > to my STDOUT console. Have I wired anything up incorrectly here?
>     >
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Ceki Gülcü

Sponsoring SLF4J/logback/reload4j at https://github.com/sponsors/qos-ch
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