[reload4j] PR12 https://github.com/qos-ch/reload4j/pull/12

Ceki Gülcü ceki at qos.ch
Fri Jan 14 12:40:58 CET 2022

On 1/14/2022 10:16 AM, Vladimir Sitnikov wrote:
>>It involves a lot of maintenance work down the line.
> Just a question: do you think reload4j should be buildable in Turkish or
> Russian locale out of the box?
> Is it tested right now?

Yes, of course. It should build everywhere. No, not tested currently.

> Do you want to catch bugs like "wrong results if Object#hashCode yields
> collisions"?

That is not kind of problem I am talking talking about. I am talking
about a problem which occurs only on saturday April the 24th, 2021
between 23:30 and 23:45 in a country with a 30 minute time zone and
DST. These are horribly difficult to reproduce and when solved affect
only the test code and not the code under test.

> Of course, it is more work, if you want to capture those bugs and kill them.
>>By a lot of work, I mean the work of hunting down the problems when they
>>are detected by the randomized tests.

Al I am saying is that such infrastructure may look nice and cuddly but
the step may not be so innocuous.

> Not really.
> I introduced a randomized test matrix to the TestNG project a year ago,
> and it does look reasonable and easy to understand.
> Here's the recent
> build: https://github.com/cbeust/testng/actions/runs/1696812649
> <https://github.com/cbeust/testng/actions/runs/1696812649>

OK. Time will tell.

> Vladimir

Ceki Gülcü

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