[slf4j-dev] is there anyone out there?

robert burrell donkin robertburrelldonkin at blueyonder.co.uk
Tue Apr 26 21:30:15 CEST 2005

(this is not usually my style but i sort of feel that a brief
introduction would be right. if you want anymore than brief: STFW) 

not sure if there's anyone out there who doesn't know (of) me. 

i've been an apache committer for four years now (i think) and i'm best
know for my work in the jakarta commons. i've helped (in a minor
fashion) to develop and maintain jakarta commons logging since it's
genesis. (with an emphasis on maintenance.) 

i've sparred with ceki for a number of years (in a more or less civil
manner). i'll readily admit that ceki has forgotten more about logging
than i'll ever know but i am familiar with the particular problems of
developing logging bridges and of logging from bricks.

anyone else lurking out there?

- robert

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