NLS in Logger (Re: [slf4j-dev] Logger.debug(String, Object[])?)

Niclas Hedhman niclas at
Sat Aug 6 06:39:19 CEST 2005

On Saturday 06 August 2005 05:02, Joerg Hohwiller wrote:
> Anyways if you make it this way: the syntax with "{}" for me looks like
> you are NOT using java.text.MessageFormat. Why is that? You do not need
> to reinvent the wheel here. But maybe I am missing something.

When I asked about this earlier, I was informed it was due to performance 

On Saturday 06 August 2005 06:07, Curt Arnold wrote:
> I agree that the number of methods and code duplication is  
> undesirable.  Maybe it would be better to isolate all the formatting  
> variants into a single concrete LogFormat class and have the Logger  
> interface only supply the most basic of the log methods that the  
> actual implementation would need to provide.  Something like:
> //  direct use of org.slf4j.Logger
> logger.debug("Hello, world");
> or
> LogFormat.debug(logger, "Hello, {}.", location);
> which could be implemented:
> public static void debug(Logger logger, String format, Object param1) {
>      if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
>           logger.debug(MessageFormat.format(format, param1));
>      }
> }

Another neutral observation is that the "format" is only part of the total 
format, as additional format information is associated with the "destination" 
(Log4J lingo --> Appender).

The utility method you are suggesting, is in fact a kind of facade, and we are 
in the "Simple Logging Facade for Java" project. The name seems to suggest a 
single facade, but I am somewhat inclined to believe that a multi-tier 
approach (I think originally suggested by Greg) is probably better.

That means that several interfaces are available, for different needs and the 
challenge is about a Factory that can create what I need. I think that a 
*culture* of several but simpler interfaces will foster more invention, 
adaption and 'cheaper' evolution.

public interface PrimordialLogger
    boolean isEnabled();
    void log( Object[] data );
    // effectively the only interface needed, seen from a pure 
    //computing point of view.

public interface TraditionalLogger
    // Full set according to Ceki's evolutionary path.
    // Markers, many method signatures, i.e a heavy interface.

public interface SimpleIoCLogger
    String getName();
    String getChildLogger( String childname );

    boolean isDebugEnabled();
    void debug( String message );

    boolean isInfoEnabled();
    void info( String message );

    boolean isWarningEnabled();
    void warn( String message );
    void warn( String message, Throwable e );

    boolean isErrorEnabled();
    void error( String message );
    void error( String message, Throwable e );

The ILoggerFactory need to be instructed what type to return, so either the 
above interfaces need a supertype, or the factory returns a Object (IMHO, 
same thing, since cast is unavoidable).

public interface ILoggerFactory
    Object getLogger( String name, Class type );

    // Convenience method;
    // return (TraditionalLogger) getLogger( name, TraditionalLogger.class );
    TraditionalLogger getLogger( String name );

I this train of thought has any bearing, then the next step is to work out an 
SPI that is usable, but I'll leave that for later.


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