OSGi log service (was: [slf4j-dev] Logger.debug(String, Object[])?)

Niclas Hedhman niclas at hedhman.org
Sat Aug 6 06:41:01 CEST 2005

On Saturday 06 August 2005 04:32, Curt Arnold wrote:
> Adding a new method to an OSGi interface would mean that existing  
> implementations would be broken.  Since the OSGi logging service has  
> been released, I think that they are constrained to only introduce  
> new interfaces unlike SLF4J where everything is still open to change.

No. This does not seem to be the case;

<quote src="Richard Hall, member of the OSGi Alliance" >
They could code every convenience method under the sun, but this would 
be bad for two reasons: conceptual complexity would increase because 
there would be multiple ways to do everything and every device would 
have to pay the price in bloat, even though not every convenience method 
would be needed.

Thus, the conclusion is to let programmers create their own convenience 
methods. (At least I believe this is the reasoning.)

OSGi has their own standard interface, and that is nothing we can do anything 
about. However, we can make an implementation that exposes both the standard 
OSGi interface as well as the SLF4J one, into an OSGi bundle for everyone to 
use. And since Bundles are cross-executable across OSGi implementations, a 
good solution can spread quickly and become a defacto standard.


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