[slf4j-dev] Common Logging API

robert burrell donkin robertburrelldonkin at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Aug 8 23:41:30 CEST 2005

On Fri, 2005-08-05 at 13:44 +0200, Ceki Gülcü wrote:


> The first method, namely getName(), sounds most legitimate. If the
> developer retrieves loggers by name, it is only natural for those
> loggers to have a name. The only exception is the NOPLogger
> singleton. If SLF4J is bound to the NOP implementation, the logger
> factory will always hand the user the same NOPLogger instance,
> regardless of the name of the logger requested by her.
> Thus, it seems quite reasonable to add the getName() method, with the
> caveat that the name you get may be different than the name you asked
> for. :-)


would null be a legitimate return value?

- robert

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