[slf4j-dev] Category of Logger vs. name of containing class.

Ceki Gülcü listid at qos.ch
Mon Jul 11 17:30:24 CEST 2005

A typographical error slipped into my previous message. In the
following paragraph, I meant "used" not "uses."

You have never **used** class names to limit the scope of loggers to their
declaring class? Representation-wise, where do you reckon your usage
pattern falls?

At 05:15 PM 7/11/2005, Ceki Gülcü wrote:
>At 02:54 PM 7/11/2005, Endre Stølsvik wrote:
>>| But as I think you realize, it is not necessarily the best hierarchy for
>>| production environments.
>>I've never used the classname.
>You have never user class names to limit the scope of loggers to their
>declaring class? Representation-wise, where do you reckon your usage
>pattern falls?
>>If I could attach one Logger to "several names", so that if I do
>>httpRedUserAuthLog.info("Red User ["+user.getName()+"] has
>>authenticated."), the log statement would be injected both on the auth
>>category ("Septim.AUTH.user" or whatever, "Septim" being my imaginary
>>server), on the server-core category ("Septim.CORE.httphandler" or
>>whatever), and on the color category ("Septim.Color.red"), then that might
>>be a cool new feature without introducing much extra complexity.
>>  // Make Logger, with primary, mandatory category
>>  Logger httpUserRedAuthLog = Logger.getLogger("Septim.AUTH.user")
>>  // Additional categories
>>  httpUserRedAuthLog.addCategory("Septim.CORE.httphandler")
>>  httpUserRedAuthLog.addCategory("Septim.Color.red")
>>Logger.addCategory(String extraCat) would thus be the only new API-level
>>The first element here, that this log-statement would end up in three
>>different files, is already solved in at least log4j by instead of
>>injecting into three categories, one would inject to only the one
>>category, and configuring that category to append to all three Appenders.
>>   But, with some clever log-configuration and the multiple category
>>attachment feature above, I could ALSO state more specifically that I want
>>only all "Colored Auth" statements to go to this particluar file.
>>   The example might be useless, but in any case, it would maybe solve some
>>of the axes-problems? - You basically introduce a new axis by adding a new
>>category to several loggers.
>>However, I realize that this solution has limitation that the Marker
>>approach would fix: you cannot switch that easily between red and green
>>users, w/o making a lot different colored loggers. So Marker is a nice
>>idea, but what about not introducing a new concept, and instead just
>>enabling method-specific injections of additional categories?
>Given that the two concepts are very similar, if Marker is a new
>concept then so is attaching multiple categories to a logger, and vice
>>  // Make Logger, with primary, mandatory category
>>  Logger httpUserAuthLog = Logger.getLogger("Septim.AUTH.user")
>>  // Additional categories
>>  httpUserAuthLog.addCategory("Septim.CORE.httphandler")
>>  // log line
>>  httpUserAuthLog.info("Septim.Color.red", "User ["+user.getName()+"] has
>>.. basically the exact same idea as the current "Marker" approach, but
>>that the markers are just additional categories? If there is a problem
>>with the log method signatures, then by all means keep the Marker
>>interface / simple class, but just as a wrapper around a String denoting
>>the category.
>That's the idea.
>>   It would require versions with 'Marker marker' and 'Marker[] markers' to
>>all the log methods - thus obviously multiplying the existing methods by
>If Marker is a composite, then the number of existing methods is
>multiplied by two, not three. Although two is still a non-negligible
>factor, the impact on existing implementations can be small and
>localized, in particular because markers are almost entirely
>orthogonal to the current hierarchical logger/level paradigm.
>Ceki Gülcü
>   The complete log4j manual: http://www.qos.ch/log4j/
>dev mailing list
>dev at slf4j.org

Ceki Gülcü

   The complete log4j manual: http://www.qos.ch/log4j/

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