[slf4j-dev] Ignore method.

Curt Arnold carnold at houston.rr.com
Wed Jun 29 17:12:23 CEST 2005

On Jun 29, 2005, at 9:25 AM, Ceki Gülcü wrote:

> Greg,
> For the moment, I'd like to pursue the discussion regarding ignore()
> and ignore (pun intended) the trace debate.
> After carefully reading your commments, I was able to get a clearer
> picture of the use case. Here is a reformulation of your comments as
> requriements for a special use case.

> Requirements
> ============


My initial thoughts (from a log4j perspective) is that being able to  
configure a threshold level at which exceptions are rendered by the  
layout possibly might be sufficient.  So for example, you could still  

    try {
       // invoke somebody elses code or do some protocol stuff
    } catch(IOException e)
       loggger.debug("Expected exception when socket closed", e);

but you could configure that stack traces for debug level exceptions  
are not displayed while stack traces in exceptions in info and higher  
level logging requests are displayed.

However this would only work with logging frameworks (don't know of  
any, but maybe log4j 1.3 could) that provide a mechanism to  
selectively render stack traces based on level.  For this to work in  
slf4j with existing frameworks, maybe you could tweak the semantics  
of trace(String, Exception) so that an slf4j bridge implementation  
will drop the exception when dispatching to logging frameworks that  
don't support configure of exception rendering.  Or provide a means  
to set the threshold level at which exceptions are passed to the  
logging framework.

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