[slf4j-dev] is there anyone out there?

robert burrell donkin robertburrelldonkin at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun May 1 23:00:41 CEST 2005

On Sun, 2005-05-01 at 21:13 +0200, Ceki Gülcü wrote: 
> At 08:29 4/27/2005, Niclas Hedhman wrote:
> >On Tuesday 26 April 2005 21:30, robert burrell donkin wrote:


> >I hope that this project will set the playing field in a manner making such
> >implementations possible, yet not hamper people who are not interested in
> >them.
> Excluding class loader quacks, how could slf4j hamper a given 
> implementation's extension mechanism. I am sure it could be done 
> maliciously, but in good faith?

i believe niclas is approaching this from an application framework
perspective. most application frameworks provide some sort of logging
framework. many employ a hierarchical approach (so, for example instance
A is the child of instance B and so the logger for A is a child of the
logger for B). good support for this was missed by JCL.

but hopefully he'll jump in and correct any misunderstandings...

- robert

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