[slf4j-dev] org.slf4j.LoggerFactory in [n]log4j.jar

Curt Arnold carnold at houston.rr.com
Mon May 16 19:55:32 CEST 2005

nlog4j.jar and the CVS HEAD of log4j both contain an implementation  
of org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.  I think that this might not be a good  
thing since it implies that if any component uses [n]log4j for its  
internal logging that [n]log4j should contend as a provider for SLF4J  

For example, say I have a ancillary jar file that uses log4j 1.2.9  
for its diagnostic logging, but logging is seldom enabled since the  
component just works.  This ancillary jar is used in an web  
application that uses SLF4J interfaces and slf4j-jdk14.jar is on the  
classpath since the application configurator wanted to use JDK 1.4  
logging for logging from the main application logic.  If the  
ancillary component is then updated to use nlog4j that contains an  
implementation of org.slf4j.LoggerFactory, then the SLF4J  
implementation actually used by the web application would depend on  
the relative position of nlog4j.jar and slf4j-jdk14.jar in the  

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