[slf4j-dev] Plan for SLF4J 2.0

Ceki Gülcü ceki at qos.ch
Sat Mar 6 14:48:10 CET 2010

Hello all,

Here are the 4 items I'd like to address in SLF4J 2.0:

1) Varargs for Logger methods
Require JDK 1.5 and remain binary compatible as explained in my comment #31 
dated 2009-03-25

2) logging exception if last argument, as exaplined by Joern in

3) Avoid bogus incompatibility warnings

4) fix http://bugzilla.slf4j.org/show_bug.cgi?id=170 possibly with a nop 
implementation of org.apache.log4j.NDC

Are there any other major items? Is everyone OK with requiring JDK  1.5 in SLF4J 


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