[slf4j-dev] [JIRA] Updates for SLF4J-495: Binary compatibility between release and alpha version

QOS.CH (JIRA) noreply-jira at qos.ch
Sat Jul 10 06:28:00 CEST 2021

SLF4J / SLF4J-495 [Open]
Binary compatibility between release and alpha version


Here's what changed in this issue in the last few minutes.

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 1 comment

Rufus Andrews on 10/Jul/21 6:13 AM
Thanks for bringing this up - I was wondering the same thing and thought I'd misunderstood something.

The bold sentences in the FAQ are indeed misleading on this matter and should be corrected IMO.

It's a shame that library developers can't unilaterally decide to use the new fluent API without forcing consumers of their library to also upgrade slf4j-api and their chosen logging framework to 2.0, although I do understand why this must be the case.

I suspect that this will impair real-world adoption of the 2.0 API in spite of its advantages.

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