[slf4j-dev] [JIRA] Updates for SLF4J-531: MDC should support stack values identified by key

QOS.CH (JIRA) noreply-jira at qos.ch
Sun Apr 17 21:42:00 CEST 2022

SLF4J / SLF4J-531 [Open]
MDC should support stack values identified by key


Here's what changed in this issue in the last few minutes.

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 1 comment

Piotr P. Karwasz on 17/Apr/22 9:30 PM

I think we all agree on the answer to Q1: since you can map {{List<String>}} into a {{Map<String, Deque>}} without loss of information, the latter is better.

My request was to introduce the requirement for {{MDC}} to behave as a *single* {{Map<String, Deque>}}, as in Ralph's examples. One of the strong points of SLF4J is IMHO that it allows you to access the *current* features of several logging frameworks in an uniform way. SLF4J 2.0 bindings could:
* use the native NDC of Reload4j and Log4j2 if the key is empty and encode the {{Deque}} as JSON array (or similar) for the other keys,
* since JBoss has a thread bound {{Map<String, Object>}}, the JBoss binding would be almost trivial.

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