[slf4j-dev] [JIRA] Updates for SLF4J-600: .addKeyValue() log-requests are not getting logged

slf4j developers list slf4j-dev at qos.ch
Tue Sep 19 20:04:00 CEST 2023

SLF4J / SLF4J-600 [Open]
.addKeyValue() log-requests are not getting logged


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 Issue created

Ferhat Bayrak created this issue on 19/Sep/23 19:53

Summary:              .addKeyValue() log-requests are not getting logged
Issue Type:           Bug
Affects Versions:     2.0.9
Assignee:             SLF4J developers list
Created:              19/Sep/23 19:53
  h1. my setup
  h2. library dependencies
  h2. my log4j2 configuration
          <RollingFile name="performanceFileAppender">
              <PatternLayout pattern="[%d{dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss,SSS}] [%-5p] - %m %n" />
          <Console name="performanceConsoleAppender">
              <EcsLayout eventDataset="performance.log"></EcsLayout>
          <Logger name="PERFORMANCE">
              <AppenderRef ref="performanceFileAppender"/>
              <AppenderRef ref="performanceConsoleAppender"/>
              <AppenderRef ref="performanceFileAppender"/>
              <AppenderRef ref="performanceConsoleAppender"/>
  h2. my log-requests
  with log4j-2.20.0
  		StringMapMessage log4jMap = new StringMapMessage()
  			.with("message", "direct log4j implementation - Measure times:")
  			.with("myDocId", documentId)
  			.with("myInitExtractorInMs", createFormExtractor)
  			.with("myvalidatedDocumentInMs", validatedDocument)
  			.with("myreadPageInMs", readPage)
  			.with("mytransformInfosInMs", transformInfos);
  with slf4j 2.0.9
      private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger("PERFORMANCE");
  		LOG.atInfo().setMessage("slf4j2-with-log4j - Measure times:")
  			.addKeyValue("myDocId", documentId)
  			.addKeyValue("myInitExtractorInMs", createFormExtractor)
  			.addKeyValue("myvalidatedDocumentInMs", validatedDocument)
  			.addKeyValue("myreadPageInMs", readPage)
  			.addKeyValue("mytransformInfosInMs", transformInfos)
Priority:             Critical
Reporter:             Ferhat Bayrak
  h1. What is the issue?
  slf4j2 in combination with log4j2:
  when logging into Files with a structurized key-value-log-requests with .addKeyValue()  (see above at # my log-request)
  the resulting logging-output is missing the key-value-logs (see below at # logfile output as example) it does not contain any of the key-value-pairs.
  h1. log output with log4j and with slf4j in comparison
  h2. json output
  here all is fine
  log4j output
      "@timestamp": "2023-09-19T17:25:51.241",
      "log.level": "INFO",
      "message": "direct log4j implementation - Measure times:",
      "myDocId": "60",
      "myInitExtractorInMs": 79,
      "myreadPageInMs": 29,
      "mytransformInfosInMs": 29,
      "myvalidatedDocumentInMs": 164,
      "event.dataset": "performance.log",
  slf4j output
      "@timestamp": "2023-09-19T17:25:51.248",
      "log.level": "INFO",
      "message": "slf4j2-with-log4j - Measure times:",
      "event.dataset": "performance.log",
      "myDocId": "60",
      "myInitExtractorInMs": "79",
      "myreadPageInMs": "29",
      "mytransformInfosInMs": "29",
      "myvalidatedDocumentInMs": "164",
  h2. logfile-output
  log4j output - it is giving just one single log output in a correct way (though the ordering is a bit messy)
  [19.09.2023 19:25:51,241] [INFO ] - message="direct log4j implementation - Measure times:" myDocId="60" myInitExtractorInMs="79" myreadPageInMs="29" mytransformInfosInMs="29" myvalidatedDocumentInMs="164"{code}
  slf4j output - this is where the bug is - all the key values are missing
  [19.09.2023 19:25:51,248] [INFO ] - slf4j2-with-log4j - Measure times:{code}

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