[slf4j-dev] [JIRA] Updates for SLF4J-601: Wrong class name printed when using LoggingEventBuilder with payload #416

slf4j developers list slf4j-dev at qos.ch
Tue Apr 9 06:01:00 UTC 2024

SLF4J / SLF4J-601 [Open]
 Wrong class name printed when using LoggingEventBuilder with payload #416 


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Ceki Gülcü created this issue on 09/Apr/24 5:50

Summary:               Wrong class name printed when using LoggingEventBuilder with payload #416 
Issue Type:           Bug
Assignee:             SLF4J developers list
Created:              09/Apr/24 5:50
Priority:             Major
Reporter:             Ceki Gülcü
  The wrong class name is printed when using the LoggingEventBuilder with a payload.
  The following example demonstrates the issue:
  package my.pkg
  import io.github.oshai.kotlinlogging.KotlinLogging
  private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger {  }
  fun main() {
      logger.atInfo {
          message = "hi"
          payload = mapOf("k" to "v")
      logger.atInfo {
          message = "hi"
  Which will print:
  Apr. 06, 2024 4:49:02 AM io.github.oshai.kotlinlogging.slf4j.internal.LocationAwareKLogger logWithPayload
  Apr. 06, 2024 4:49:02 AM my.pkg.MyClassKt main
  The first log statement will be logged with io.github.oshai.kotlinlogging.slf4j.internal.LocationAwareKLogger as a classname.
  Which is wrong. It supposed to be my.pkg.MyClassKt.
  In the second log statement however it seems to work fine.
  Check out the example to reproduce the issue: example.zip

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