[slf4j-user] Re: Problem configuring an SLF4J logger
Heiner Westphal
susp48 at verit.de
Wed Aug 10 17:39:12 CEST 2005
Sorry for the noise!
I plugged nlog4j into my app and will stick to it.
Works most of the time.
(Not always with maven-cobertura-plugin 1.1, since that expects
a log4j 1.2.8 or .9, stumbling over the Logger.debug(String)
Should have read the devel messages before...
On Sun, 2005-05-01 at 21:53 +0100, robert burrell donkin wrote:
[ ... ]
> configuration is the most commonly requested feature for JCL. but
> implementing it would cross an important line leading to an endless
> battle against code bloat and feature drift. explicitly excluded this
> possibility in the proposal was definitely the right approach.
[ ... ]
Though the questions remain:
1. Is there a way to configure an overall log level for the logging
framework sitting under the slf4j API?
2. Is there a way to figure out which slf4j-Implementation I'm using
at runtime? That way I can implement the switch of level on my own.
Heiner Westphal wrote:
> Hi there!
> I just switched a project to slf4j (from apache-commons-logging)
> and it was quite easy having "perl -pi" and eclipse 3.1 to aid.
> BUT: I would like to have a way to configure the log level,
> preferrably of the root logger, without having to know up front,
> which logging implementation will be used.
> This problem existed with commons-logging as well, IIRC.
> Do you plan to add something like Logger.setLevel?
> Or is there a way to know, which loggering framework is
> in use at runtime?
> Maybe I'm approaching the solution of my problem the wrong way
> round, so I'll better explain it:
> We got an application, which can be run stand alone or from an
> eclipse-plugin which optionaly delivers a log file in a format
> suitable for display in the eclipse TPTP LogView
> (http://www.eclipse.org/tptp/).
> The easiest way to get to that format seems to be using java1.4
> logging with an adapter/formatter emitting CommonBaseEvent XML.
> The log4j-formatter provided by tptp-4.0.0 is too generic, to
> be useful and I try to avoid implementing a new one from scratch.
> Now I switched to slf4j to use the java1.4 logging framework, whith
> minimal changes to the logging api we already used, which had
> been commons-logging, until we got into the well known class loader
> nightmare (just imagine eclipse plugins using hivemind to access their
> respective plugins - outcome depends on order of initialization, ...).
> Said application allows you to specify a log level to control the amount
> and granularity of output.
> Now I would like to allow the deployer to choose the logging framework
> used while the application should still be able to change verbosity
> programatically.
> Any hint, how to accomplish this?
> Thanks in advance,
> Heiner
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