[slf4j-user] Re: Configuring JCL over SLF4J

Heiner Westphal susp48 at verit.de
Thu Dec 8 09:32:12 CET 2005

Hello Kees!

Did you try to capture the hibernate and spring logs
using the jcl104-slf4j bridge?
I'm not sure, if it plays nice with tomcat's
JCL though.

If not, you still can redirect your slf4j-logs
to jcl using slf4j-jcl, which is available with
the lates release of slf4j.

Then you will get tomcat's and your webapp's logs
mixed, but you can separate them by log4j config
(as long as tomcat does not use spring or hibernate).

For a very short and well done description on
different configurations of slf4j and jcl
where Greg Wilkins explains his use case for a slf4j-jcl jar.

[if the url got split try http://tinyurl.com/bvo56 ]



Kees de Kooter wrote:
> I am working on a (tomcat) web app using spring and hibernate. Both
> use commons logging. My own code uses slf4j (of course ;) + log4j.
> No when I start my app under tomcat a lot of spring and hibernate
> logging appears on the console. The logging of my app is written to
> the file confgirued in log4j.xml.
> How can I send the JCL logging to the same log file?
> Kees

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