[slf4j-user] x4juli 0.6 released (a native slf4j implementation)

Boris Unckel boris.unckel.mlg at gmx.net
Sun Dec 18 10:26:19 CET 2005

Hello Trustin,

Trustin Lee wrote:
> Hi Boris,
>> x4juli delivers a native implementation of the Simple Logging Facade for
>> Java (slf4j) API.
>> There is just a wrapper interface in use, but no wrapper classes 
>> anymore.
>> This has performance advantages and gives full and correct location
>> information.
>> Additionally there is a native implementation of Jakarta Commons
>> Logging. 
> This sounds exciting!  Is there any performance comparison report

first: thanks. The remark about performance is meant relative:
Using a wrapper class means two objects:
The wrapper and the logger object itself (and therefor in minimum one method
call more). x4juli does for java.util.logging the same as nlog4j does for

More technically:
x4juli implements org.slf4j.Logger AND the org.apache.commons.logging.Log 
interface in one X4JuliLogger.

If you decide to use it, because of it's slf4j capability, and there are
still JCL dependent jars in your project, you do not have the need to use
jcl104-over-slf4j.jar or slf4j-jcl.jar. Look at the samples how to configure
x4juli in this case.

I personally will not publish any benchmark, since it is to difficult to
make them neutral, comparable, reproducible.


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