[slf4j-user] Why 'simple' uses standard out?

Ceki Gülcü listid at qos.ch
Wed Feb 22 21:28:30 CET 2006


If my memory serves me correctly, this issue has not been discussed 
previously. Stdout seemed like the natural destination. Log4j's console 
appender also outputs on stdout by default but as you mention the 
destination can be easily changed to stderr.

Do others care to comment on this choice?

At 07:06 PM 2/22/2006, Kostis Anagnostopoulos wrote:
>I'm wondering whether it is om purpose for slf4j-simple.jar to use the
>standard OUT stream?
>* Log4j12 uses by default standard OUT but it is configurable.
>* JDK14's console handler uses by default the standard ERR.
>I think an un-configurable logging sink should use the standard ERR because:
>1. It doesn't collide with console apps that utilize the standard out
>for processing.
>2. It is the default of JDK and the Unix way (i believe for the above 
>reason) .
>The change in code is a trivial one.
>     ankosts

Ceki Gülcü

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