[slf4j-user] Why 'simple' uses standard out?

Alex Karasulu aok123 at bellsouth.net
Thu Feb 23 17:00:03 CET 2006

Trustin Lee wrote:

> 'simple' is simple because it is only useful for limited situation.  I 
> always have considered it as a temporary provider which is useful only 
> for trivial cases (e.g. unit testing).  Using 'nlog4j' is the right 
> choice if a user requires something more than stdout.
> Writing messages to stdout and stderr by their level is a bad idea 
> because it can mess up the message order in IDE console (e.g. 
> Eclipse).  So I think we have to retain the current behavior.

Good point I did not think of that.  You're right the current behavior 
is fine.

My bad.

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