[slf4j-user] Why 'simple' uses standard out?

Boris Unckel boris.unckel.mlg at gmx.net
Sat Feb 25 11:15:06 CET 2006


Ceki Gülcü wrote:
> You are right. A simple command like 'cat' should not clutter the 
> console with log messages. But should 'cat' log at all? I'd be tempted 
> to say that 'cat' should not output any log messages, not to stdout 
> nor stderr.
> Is the 'stdout' 'stderr' distinction really important to you or is it 
> more a matter of preference?
my 2 cents:

Default JUL System.err (not configurable)
Default log4j System.out (configurable)
Default nlog4j System.out (configurable)
Default x4juli System.out (configurable)

Default of Throwable.printStackTrace() System.err (no global config 
available, but by coding)
Most developers not using a logging API is System.out (my assumption)

Make it configurable and take System.out as default. There will always 
be one who needs the opposite.


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