[slf4j-user] Is it not safe to store the Logger instance into a static field?

Simon Kitching skitching at apache.org
Sun Mar 5 11:33:29 CET 2006

On Fri, 2006-03-03 at 11:55 +0100, Ceki Gülcü wrote:
> Hello Ruimo,
> JCL documentation (in wiki?) supposedly discusses this issue. Simon 
> Kitching discusses this problem on the jakarta commons dev mailing list.
> Here is what Simon has to say on the subject.
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=jakarta-commons-dev&m=113537357512186&w=2
> Unfortunately, I could not find the FAQ entry Simon is referring to.

I can't find it either :-)

I've created a page specifically on this problem here:

As this is a somewhat complicated issue this page may well need
correction/improvement. This page is on a wiki so *can* be edited by any
logged-in person. However the issues involved are complex, so if anyone
out there wishes to make corrections then unless you are *absolutely*
certain you are right I would request that you reply to this thread,
post on commons-dev with subject [logging] or email me direct for
discussion before editing that page.



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