[slf4j-user] Re: slf4j in a microsoft vm enviroment !!!

Konstantinos Karadamoglou kkarad at googlemail.com
Wed May 17 16:07:56 CEST 2006

Hello there,

Sorry for my very late response that is cause the proxy restrictions at my work.

I have already finished the slf4j for jdk 1.1. I didn't remove the
Marker class and all its reference from the project. I just removed
the iterator() method from the Marker class and I substituted Map and
Set with HashTables and Vectors. I also implemented a new Logger
called JDK11Logger which derives from SimpleLogger. I also added a
feature to read a configuration file. Currently it reads only the
logging level but I am planning to add more properties like short/long
Logger name. The build target slf4j-jdk11 creates a jar file called
slf4j-jdk11.jar. In order to use it you dont need any extra library
like the log4j case. The slf4j-jdk11 has been already added to my
team's project and it will be up on 10th of June.

I will add the source code as an attachment. I cannot say that is the
best implementation :) . Please let me now if you improved it.



On 07/05/06, Paul Galbraith <paul at paulgalbraith.net> wrote:
> Ceki Gülcü wrote:
> > At 06:52 PM 3/17/2006, Konstantinos Karadamoglou wrote:
> >
> >> I think I will rebuild the slf4j project without the Marker
> >> functionality and I will deploy it using the NOP implementaion.
> >
> I'm very interested in your results, Konstantinos, can you report anything?
> I see SLF4J as a potential way to bring a standard logging framework to
> a jvm 1.1 platform.
> Sun provides an external collections library for jvm 1.1, though it's
> nicely hidden in their website under another project (I can't remember
> it off the top of my head).  Using that should solve the Iterator
> problem, I think.
> Paul
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