[slf4j-user] Using slf4j in a library project

Jacob Kjome hoju at visi.com
Thu Feb 1 17:30:37 CET 2007

Hi Ceki,

Thanks to both you and Tim for your clear explanations.  Please forgive me for
not paying close enough attention to the development of SLF4J.  I probably
should have known this.  However, is this spelled out in a FAQ of some sort? 
If similar questions come up on the list, it might be easier to simply point to
the FAQ entry than have to spell it out each time.



Quoting Ceki Gülcü <listid at qos.ch>:

> At 05:02 PM 1/31/2007, Jacob Kjome wrote:
> >Though because LoggerFactory doesn't exist in slf4j-api.jar, this jar is
> >kind of
> >useless, no?  Why is it built at all?  Only various implementation jars
> should
> >be built.
> Hi Jake,
> The slf4j-api serves two purposes. First, it greatly simplifies the project
> build structure which is now much simpler that what it used to be when we
> had an all-including (single) jar per binding. Just as importantly, we
> would like to be OSGi friendly, and as I understand it, it is better to
> have a separation into two jars instead of just one.
> --
> Ceki Gülcü
> Logback: The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Java.
> http://logback.qos.ch
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