[slf4j-user] log4jdbc library now uses SLF4J

Arthur Blake blakesys at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 1 23:16:26 CEST 2007


I have recently converted log4jdbc to use SLF4J for its logging (instead of log4j) in order to expand the universe of java logging systems available to it.

log4jdbc is an open-source JDBC driver that can log SQL and/or JDBC calls (and optionally SQL timing information)
for other JDBC drivers.

I invite anyone who might benefit from using log4jdbc to download it and give it a try.
More information is available at http://log4jdbc.sourceforge.net
I would love to have a link to log4jdbc added to http://slf4j.org under the section:  "projects depending on SLF4J", if the powers that be consider log4jdbc worthy!

Arthur Blake

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