[slf4j-user] Per-web-app logging with jars on the server's classpath

Jacob Kjome hoju at visi.com
Mon Mar 12 07:20:52 CET 2007

It doesn't much matter what the config file looks like, but what your 
custom repository selector is doing.  Clearly it isn't working, 
otherwise you'd have separate logger repositories and no cross-talk 
between application-specific logger repositories.  So, what does your 
implementation look like?  How it the repository selector 
installed?.  How are you configuring each repository?  Where are your 
config files?  Where's Log4j?


At 06:59 PM 3/12/2007, you wrote:
 >We have a custom web framework packaged into a jar file 
(myframework.jar) that
 >is used by 50 web applications deployed as WAR files on Weblogic 8.1 SP4.
 >myframework.jar uses the Spring framework internally (which uses commons
 >logging API), so we must continue to use SLF4J's jcl104-over-slf4j-1.3.0.jar
 >for the foreseeable future.  None of these web apps use EJBs and I want to
 >avoid them.
 >myframework.jar, log4j.jar, slf4j*.jar spring.jar, and dozens of other 3rd
 >party dependencies are loaded on Weblogic's server classpath.
 >myframework.jar is under continual development by my team and we can't
 >redeploy every WAR file with the new version of libraries in WEB-INF/lib -
 >so we have to load myframework and other JARs on weblogic's classpath.
 >Each web app has very few Java classes of its own - most are Spring-injected
 >from myframework.jar.
 >This has proven to be an interesting puzzle because we want each web app to
 >write to its own log file (appA.log, appB.log, etc), but be able to record
 >log entries from classes inside myframework.jar, spring.jar, etc for
 >debugging purposes.
 >I bought the Log4J book, read Chapter 8, and followed the JBoss instructions
 >here http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=Log4jRepositorySelector
 >to create a custom RepositorySelector (which loads 
 >and modified myframework's StartupListener to initialize this
 >RepositorySelector in each web app's web.xml.
 >The problem is that when I start weblogic with several webapps (appA.war,
 >appB.war, appC.war, etc), all log entries are written to appA.log, even
 >though each application has its own WEB-INF/log4j.properties (albeit they
 >are currently all the same, except for the "log4j.appender.file.File" value).
 >Am I doing something wrong to keep JAR files at the server level but let
 >each web app write to its own log file?  Thank you
 >Here is appA's log4j.properties file:
 >log4j.rootLogger=warn, file
 >### direct messages to file <app name>.log ###
 >#Each app should go to its own log file but they are not
 >log4j.appender.file.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss,SSS}
 >%5p %C{1} - %m%n
 >#Make sure you turn logging off before deploying to staging or production.
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