[slf4j-user] Per-web-app logging with jars on the server's classpath

Mark Stralka mstralka at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 23:31:06 CET 2007

> For reference, here's the report...
> http://bugzilla.slf4j.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43
> Yikes.  Was this an oversight or a known 
> limitation that was put off for later given other 
> priorities?  Given the push to use SLF4J instead 
> of directly referencing logging implementations, 
> this is a pretty big oversight, no?  I guess it 
> could be argued that the number of people 
> actually using repository selectors or context 
> selectors is relatively low, but maybe that's 
> because people keep running into roadblocks such as this?
> What kind of effort is needed to correct this issue?  Any time frame?
> Jake

Jake and Ceki,

Thank you for all your help and diligence in addressing this issue.  I've solved
the problem, at least to my own satisfaction, by using
-Dlog4j.repositorySelector=JNDI and implementing the
org.apache.commons.logging.Log and LogFactory to use Log4j directly.  Basically,
I took JCL's impl.Log4JLogger (v1.1), cut out the Log4j 1.2-specific code and
put in code that works with 1.3alpha8.  Log4j is already used in my organization
and we already have websites deployed with log4j.properties files, so moving to
Logback isn't possible now but I will follow its progress if you see it as the
successor to Log4j.

Thank you again

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