[slf4j-user] MDC usage

Jason Musgrave jsmusgrave at gmail.com
Wed Nov 21 16:56:48 CET 2007

MDC and the one binding to rule them all policy.  Is it possible to
make the MDC functionality bind to any MDC implementations in the

I've run into a situation where I want to be able do deliver code that
could be used at the level of WebSphere's ClassLoader or at the
WAR/EAR levels.  At this point easiest thing would seem to delegate to
CommonsLogging with the slf4j-jcl-1.4.3.jar and then configure commons
for each thread Context to talk to their own log4j configuration.
This will be a rare situation so normally we would use the log4j
bindings and yes, I'm familiar with logback.  What my problem is that,
understandably, the MDC doesn't seem to bind to the log4j
implementation if it's there when you configure it using the commons
binding.  I know this is contrary to the ultra simple biding idea, but
making the MDC work in this kind of situation wouldn't seem change
where the logging was going to, it would make the API behave a little
more intuitively if less simply.

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