[slf4j-user] Can Jarkarta Commons Logging and SLF4J coexist?

Ceki Gulcu listid at qos.ch
Mon Aug 11 15:50:26 CEST 2008


Have you read "Bridging legacy APIs"?
See: http://www.slf4j.org/legacy.html

In particular, the section entitled "Gradual migration to SLF4J from JCL".

prem vinodh wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have a main project (which is a Dynamic Web Project) say ABC and I have 2 sub projects (Java Project) say ABC11 and ABC12 which are added to ABC as module dependencies.
> Now assume ABC11 is open source and it comes with Jakarta Commons Logging and ABC12 is my own developed project which uses SLF4J. And the Dynamic Web Project uses SLF4J too.
> Can the 2 java projects coexist within the main Dynamic Web Project.
> If so how? Can anyone please explain this to me?
> Regards
> P.C. Prem Vinodh

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