[slf4j-user] Looking for projects using log4j or JCL

Franck Routier franck.routier at axege.com
Fri Jan 11 12:19:40 CET 2008

BarracudaMVC uses quite extensively Log4j.
It is built with ant and has test cases.

Also, using log4j-over-slf4j results in bug 66 :

So it might be a good test.

You can download the source via subversion at
and the build.xml file can be found in WEB-INF/bin/build.xml


Le jeudi 10 janvier 2008 à 21:34 +0100, Ceki Gulcu a écrit :
> Hello all,
> For the purposes of testing the slf4j-converter, I am looking for open-source 
> projects that use log4j or JCL for their logging needs. Do you know of any such 
> projects? Preferably, the project in question should be easy to build, i.e by 
> issuing a single Ant or Maven command.
> For those who are not familiar with slf4j-converter, it's a stand-alone Java 
> application which converts Java source files using JCL or log4j to use the SLF4J 
> API.
> I have just tested slf4j-converter on the Apache Commons VFS project with 
> considerable success.

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