[slf4j-user] SLF4J Implementation Circular Dependency

ekkehard ekkehard at gentz-software.de
Mon Oct 6 00:00:48 CEST 2008

Todd Orr schrieb:
> My logging implementation uses Spring for declariative configuration.
> I've been trying to implement an slf4j adapter that delegates to my
> implementation. However, since Spring uses JCL (I think) and projects
> that already use jcl-over-sl4jf will load the SLF4J implementation I
> get in an chicken/egg situation. I can't load my implementation since
> Spring logs during its own initialization. This logging calls jcl,
> which delegates to the slf4j implementation which makes everything
> really messy.
> Does anyone have any ideas as to how I might circumvent this?
> Thanks,
> T
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are you using it in an OSGI environment ?
then you can start the bundle with your implementation with a lower 
and jcl-over-slf4j will use your slf4j impl.
I'm running logback as slf4j implementation and am also using bundles
with jcl-over-slf4j, log4j-over-slf4j and jul-to-slf4j

if you're not under OSGI then I cannot help you


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