[slf4j-user] user Digest, Vol 26, Issue 1
Ceki Gulcu
listid at qos.ch
Mon Oct 6 18:22:35 CEST 2008
Hello Thomas,
I see. You could retain the current functionality by setting up a
SMTPAppender which is triggered (i.e. sends out an email) whenever a
logging event marked as FATAL occurs. You need to use SLF4J
markers. Moreover, currently only logback supports markers (wheras
log4j and j.u.l. do not support markers).
The usage pattern could be:
Marker FATAL = MarkerFactory.getMarker("FATAL");
logger.error(FATAL, "some serious error", exception);
You can of course store FATAL as a constant somewhere in your
applicaiton. The pattern then becomes
logger.error(MyContstants.FATAL, "some serious error", exception);
I could supply the SMTPAppender configuration if you were intersted in
this venue.
Thomas.TH.Hamacher at partner.bmw.ch wrote:
> Hi Ceki,
> Sure! So here are some more words to clarify, what I meant!
> Currently we defined the differences between FATAL and ERROR just in the way we handle it regarding the notification of users/developers.
> We configured the log4j that any FATAL error should be immediately reported to the developers through an email. It does not necessarily terminate the application (because this is, what we still want to decide on our own), but we have to know about these errrors instantly!
> ERRORs are simply logged into a log-file. So this is still an unwanted malfunction in the application (so no WARN), but does not required immediate notification and it is sufficient to see these errors in a daily scan of the log-files.
> Maybe this makes my distinction a bit clearer.
> Thomas
Ceki Gülcü
Logback: The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Java.
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